In the Fundamentals course we install an exhaustive set of tools using the Founder/Hacker Installer:

If you didn't take the Fundamentals course, or weren't able to install all the libraries, that's OK. This web scraping series does not require the use of Rails, Postgres, or running a local server.

Step 1
Install Ruby (guides for Windows, Mac)

Step 2 (Mac)
Install webdrivers gem via "gem install webdrivers" in your terminal.

Step 2 (Windows)
Go here, select the driver for your version of Chrome, then download the "win32.exe" file.

(Figure out which version of Google Chrome you have by inputting "chrome://settings/help" into your browser's address bar and hitting enter.)

Step 3
Install Watir.

Step 4
Test everything works by opening your terminal / command prompt, then:
# hit enter, this will open your Ruby shell)

require 'watir'
# hit enter

# expected result: => true 



"webdrivers" -- if you have trouble when starting the Watir gem due to an issue with webdrivers:

Step 1 - Go here and download the latest Chromedriver binary file. When you click a link it will take you to a page that looks like this:

Click whichever file is most relevant to your computer. For me I chose "mac64" because I have an older macbook without the "M1" chip.

Step 2 - Install (execute) the file by first unzipping it, then inside your terminal navigating to this file's location (e.g. your Downloads folder) and running: "./chromedriver" -- your screen will look like this:

Step 3 - Move the file to your binary path to make it usable by the Watir gem. Do this via "mv /usr/local/bin" from the same directory as the file, e.g. your Downloads folder.

If you have any other issues with setting up your environment, email me at